Social housing

Wrap it up and start again: The future of London’s housing

In the original London of the Future publication from 1921, WR Davidge (a former housing commissioner) foresaw many of the changes that…

The average rent outside of London surpasses £1,000 pcm

In 2023, for the first time, properties outside the capital surpassed the average of £1,000 per month, according to a…

Dublin City Council looks to decarbonised social housing with digital twin technology

Dublin City Council and IES, a net-zero technology company, have teamed up to carry out a digital twin project aimed…

How to crash the housing market

The great delusion of the British housing market is that homeowners think they benefit from rising house prices. On 3…

How we build can change how we think about city life

In November 1918, just weeks after the guns had gone quiet and Europe stumbled, bewildered and bloody, into the post-war…

This election is our chance to treat housing as a right – but only if we listen to tenants

“You’re joking, not another one... there’s too much politics going on at the moment..!” Brenda of Bristol’s televised comments in…

Jane Jacobs and Le Corbusier would agree on one thing: we need more social housing

Much has been written in CityMetric and beyond about the urban planning debates of the 1950s and ‘60s, that came…

Here are my five favourite London council estates

The author is a Labour member of the London Assembly. In the name of impartiality, CityMetric would like to extend…

As we celebrate 100 years of social housing, councils deserve more money and freedom

London’s Labour deputy mayor for housing writes. Seven years ago, I met families moving into some of the first new…

If the new prime minister wants to help renters, they’ll need to think big

As a society we used to be able to promise that hard work pays off – but the depth and scale of the current housing crisis has…