
Migration patterns reflect economic and lifestyle pursuits in a changing America

The US migration narrative unfurls a tapestry of economic, lifestyle, and technological threads, each contributing to a complex pattern of…

New York City expands voucher programme amid housing crisis

As the skyline of New York City continues to grow with the likes of billionaire’s row dominating headlines, so does…

History lessons from London’s Brick Lane Mosque

There’s a mosque a short walk from Whitechapel station on Brick Lane, one of the many that serve the large…

How smaller cities can integrate newcomers into their labour markets

In 2022, Canada’s population grew by a million people. Nearly all this growth – a whopping 96% – came from…

What happens when refugees enter the UK?

With over 45,000 people crossing the Channel in 2022 to seek asylum in the UK and already 3,000 refugees arriving…

The controversial rise of biometric technology among the displaced

Salvation requires good logistics. The refugee camp that functions well is one built with security, sanitation and a good supply…

One year on: Afghanistan’s refugees attempt to settle in London

In August last year, people around the world watched as Afghan civilians clung to the fuselages of aircraft in a…

Why are so many ‘Homes for Ukraine’ refugees living in England’s small villages?

It’s been over six months since the start of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and millions of Ukrainian refugees have…

The UK has spent up to £1bn on drones to prevent migrant crossings

The UK government has spent more than a billion pounds on surveillance technology in the past five years, including a…

Will legacy planning pay off for Dubai’s District 2020?

“Most human beings have an almost infinite capacity for taking things for granted,” or so claims Aldous Huxley in Brave…