Fans of vertigo and sensations of dread have a brand new reason to visit Chicago: the city’s second tallest skyscraper now allows them to enjoy the views on offer from 1,000 feet up, from the comfort of a glass box that effectively dangles them outside of the building.

The attraction, inevitably named “Tilt!”, is located on the 94th floor of the John Hancock Center, and promises to “forever change the way visitors see Chicago”. It’ll use hydraulics to tilt a slab of windows forward at an angle of 20 degrees, allowing tourists to look down on the streets below without going to all the bother of bending their neck. The box “safely holds up to eight visitors at a time”, the attraction’s website says, reassuringly.

The promotional video makes the ride look tame enough – though once you’re inside the box, the floor tilting inexorably forward, one suspects it might feel otherwise. Nice of them to provide handles, though.