All articles by ttt


Ahead of the game or falling behind? Canada’s readiness for a borderless, global workforce

A shift towards a more distributed, borderless global workforce will not necessarily lead to job losses for Canada, but it will be disruptive and require restructuring in the labour market.

How branding can show people’s love for a place and help highlight local challenges

Places as diverse as New York City and the Faroe Islands have developed brands to build positive feelings that translate into tourist dollars and, increasingly, support for the environment.

3D printing promises to transform architecture forever

Not since the adoption of the steel frame has there been a development with as much potential to transform the way buildings are conceived and constructed.

How the private rental sector created a homelessness crisis in Ireland and England

Homelessness crises in both Ireland and England highlight problems with the private rental sector.

How just walking around – even when accompanied by an adult – is empowering for children

Children do not always need to be independent or unsupervised to gain in autonomy and a sense of control. Just being able to walk around expands their world.

Why a national plan for homelessness in Australia must make thousands of children a priority

In any given town, community and neighbourhood there will be homeless children, sometimes as young as ten, who are surviving without the effective care and protection of parents or guardians.

The post-Covid crisis hit Queensland hardest. With 100,000 households needing housing, here’s how it can recover.

Brisbane rents are up nearly 50% more than the national average and homelessness in Queensland is increasing at the fastest rate in the country. The state can take several steps to turn things around.

Winnipeg proposes new Indigenous street names, but what’s behind claims they’re too hard to pronounce?

Some have claimed the proposed new Indigenous names for Winnipeg streets are too difficult to pronounce. But what does it mean when we say a word is hard to pronounce?

The state takeover of Houston public schools is about more than school improvement

Political power and a history of racism lurk behind the recent state takeover of the Houston public school system.

Secession is here: States, cities and the wealthy are already withdrawing from America

Secession talk evokes fears of a second Civil War. But one scholar says secession is already happening in the US under a variety of guises.