All articles by ttt


City liveability rankings tell a biased story – research in Dhaka explains why

What makes a city workable to many people is access to informal labour markets, cheap travel options, flexible housing and rental arrangements.

Here’s how the Bank of Canada’s interest rate hike to 5% will impact Canadian households

An economist explains what the Bank of Canada’s interest rate hike to five per cent means for Canadians.

How a circular economy can give Australia affordable, sustainable homes

A new report outlines a comprehensive strategy for Australia to reduce the carbon footprint of its homes while making them more affordable.

How co-working spaces can boost local economies

Convenient hubs of collaboration could boost local areas.

US right-to-charge laws bring the promise of EVs to apartments, condos and rentals

Illinois passed the latest law requiring new apartment buildings to be wired for EV chargers. Now apartment communities are figuring out the best ways to make shared charging work for everyone.

The curious history of London’s public drinking water fountains

The construction of hundreds of fountains was a social movement that transformed London’s public spaces.

How metro mayors are getting things done – even if they have limited money and power

When directly elected metro mayors doggedly advocate for their city region, they can make things happen, regardless of budgetary and devolution constraints.

Cities are central to our future – they have the power to make or break society’s advances

Cities are where solutions are found – but also where perils are amplified when we fail to act.

Homeless people deserve the same right to their belongings that we all have

People struggling with homelessness often have limited control over their belongings and face the constant risk of being separated from their possessions.

How inequality shapes your experience of a heatwave

Tackling poverty can protect people from rising heat extremes in across Europe.