All articles by Sarah Manavis

Sarah Manavis

Here are the seven worst city nicknames and slogans in the US

The US has a penchant for adding taglines and nicknames to anything and everything it possibly can.

The lost colony of Roanoke

Whatever happened to British America’s first city?

The debate around office returns misses an opportunity to make work better

Few people would call office life or home-working their ideal. So why aren’t we using this moment to radically rethink our working lives?

How getting a dog made me hate London less

I never have been anything but a staunch hater of London. Growing up in what a friend from Chicago called…

Uber’s in-car stand-up show at the Edinburgh Fringe is the worst idea in the entire history of comedy

This morning, I was lucky enough to receive not one, not two, but three emails from the same PR company…

“I think they’re pretty”: Inside the strangely heart-warming world of pylon fandom

If I asked you what brings people together on a global scale, I’m sure a few things would come to…

The Great Dayton Flood of 1913

How a catastrophe in Ohio led to modern disaster response.

You’ve heard of trainspotters and planespotters. Now meet Britain’s growing army of busspotters

In the summer of 2014, with too much time on my hands and too little to do, I found myself…

The Edinburgh Fringe is the world’s biggest arts festival. It’s also hell

The 70th Edinburgh Fringe Festival kicks off this Friday. So what better time to examine how this arts and cultural…

How a lack of zoning messed up Houston in more ways than one

No matter what city in you’re in, in pretty much any part of the world, there will be a similar…