All articles by Rachel Holdsworth

Rachel Holdsworth

Space for 8,000 new homes, most of them affordable… Why it's time to demolish Buckingham Palace

Scene: a council meeting. Councillor 1: They say it’s going to cost £369m to repair and bring up to modern…

Why do modern London housing developments always come with supermarkets?

Douglas Adams once theorised that the end of civilisation would be brought about by the Shoe Event Horizon: the point…

Could modular housing solve London's housing crisis?

 The phrase “modular housing” has recently been cropping up more frequently among those of us who hang out in housing…

Words like “gentrification” and “regeneration” are no longer fit for purpose. We should stop using them

Say the word “gentrification” these days, and you’re likely to receive a grumpy response. It’s a popular bệte noire –…

The rise of contactless payments: Or, how Brexit could make it more expensive to go to the loo on holiday

We’ve all been there: bursting for the toilet and fumbling for coins to get through the barrier and the sweet,…

Britain’s mayors have real power. So why does nobody take them seriously?

Does the UK’s national media care about London? Do its politicians? That may seem an odd question, given the London-centricity…

Infrastructure, integration, and what Gabon can teach cities about planning for the future

When you ask people what improvement they’d make to a city, quite often they’ll point to a specific infrastructure project.…

Sadiq Khan's promise to freeze London's fares will be the mayoral election's “first broken promise”

If there’s one thing guaranteed to make London’s commuters froth from the mouth, it’s news of an impending fare rise.…

How Japan's railway systems accidentally invented contactless payments

Last month, as well as knocking over a small child while playing rugby, London Mayor Boris Johnson spent part of…