All articles by Rachel Holdsworth

Rachel Holdsworth

Lille had Europe’s first fully automated Metro system. It opened in 1983

Thameslink recently unveiled its automated rail technology through London. New trains will drive themselves through the central London route between…

“Beware of politicians bearing housing stats”: unpicking new build numbers

Well, it’s very exciting that the government has decided we need to build more houses, because before yesterday I don’t…

Journey planning apps need to think more about walkers – before governments force them

Here’s a story. Last summer I went on holiday to Stockholm. Being a digital native, I eschewed guide books and…

You can spend a whole day on the Tokyo rail network for just 90p. Here’s how.

Let’s cut to the chase: you’re here, reading this website, so you probably like trains. Trains are cool. Rail network…

Should Transport for London be encouraging more of us to commute by boat?

How to get more capacity on London’s transport network is a perennial debate. Upgrade signalling systems. Get longer trains. Build…

Here’s what Scandinavia can teach our cities about parks

We do parks all wrong in the UK. For a green and pleasant land, our attitude towards green space in…

Stockholm claims its entire metro network is an art exhibition

Pub quiz time: what’s the world’s longest art gallery? No need to Google the length of the Louvre: Stockholm claims…

The London Assembly’s strength lies in its diversity. Changing its voting system will kill that

So the Conservatives are planning changes to the way the London Assembly is elected, which would fundamentally affect its make-up.…

Cats and dogs and Pokémon and ball pools: The eight joyful trains of Japan

If you’re on this website, you’ll likely agree with the statement: trains are good. We like trains. Trains are marvellous.…

It's been housing Londoners for 150 years – but what is the Peabody Trust?

Editor’s note: this article was amended on 1 March to reflect the fact Peabody was to merge with Family Mosaic.…