All articles by Paul Swinney

Paul Swinney

Are investment banks really draining STEM graduates from other sectors?

One common answer to why Britain apparently lacks engineers is that graduates who study science, engineering or maths degrees are…

The government’s Nissan deal should not be the blueprint for other Brexit trade agreements

 The future of British trade following the EU referendum has dominated political discourse in recent months, and will no doubt…

Here's why the north can't rely on the public sector to attract graduates

The public sector is a surprisingly large employer of new graduates. As our report The Great British Brain Drain shows, publicly-funded jobs…

Where do Britain's graduates move to – and why?

The graduate brain drain to London is something that has troubled cities in the North for many years. But as…

How badly would cuts to international student visas hurt UK city economies?

News that the government is looking to halve international student visas will no doubt be a concern for the higher education sector,…

What did Brexit tell us about regional economic development policy?

In the aftermath of the EU Referendum commentators have put forward a range of reasons as to why the country…

Why do people commute so much further to London than to other UK cities?

One of the main arguments for better linking northern cities through transport improvements is that it will encourage people living…

Five lessons from Europe we could use to build the Northern Powerhouse

The Northern Powerhouse initiative was launched by the Government to address a North/South divide in the UK that is at…

City centre living has made a come back – and Manchester is leading the way

City centre living has made a comeback. After decades of people quitting the centre of cities for the sanctuary of…

Which cities will be most affected by Britain's “National Living Wage”?

This April will see the first of a series of increases to Britain’s wage floor as part of the introduction…