All articles by Paul Swinney

Paul Swinney

So does increasing productivity really destroy jobs?

There’s been a lot of debate about productivity in the last couple of mnonths, off the back of our new…

Protectionism is bad when Trump does it – so why is it so often welcomed by British cities?

Do we stand on the verge of a new trade war? In light of competition from elsewhere, the drawbridge is…

Yes, supply is the cause of the housing crisis – and we do need to build more homes in successful cities

It was interesting to see the economics commentator Simon Wren-Lewis pick up on a theory pushed recently by Ian Mulheirn of Oxford Economics: that…

We shouldn’t worry about robots taking jobs in cities – but we should worry about the types of jobs they will create

The summer of 1976 was the hottest on record in the UK, and Barnsley was no different to anywhere else.…

What can Amazon’s search for a new HQ teach us about how to grow a city economy?

Amazon’s announcement a few weeks ago that it will open a second US headquarters, and its invitation for cities to…

Here’s why you can’t bridge the north/south divide just by moving public sector jobs

The question of how to tackle the north/south divide in the UK economy has plagued policy makers for decades. In…

What does a better deal for the north actually look like?

It’s been great to see northern leaders pull together recently around transport funding, and there’s no doubt that they’ve caught…

Will focusing on inequality really tackle poverty?

Each year the Centre for Cities’ Cities Outlook offers a health-check on the UK’s 63 largest city economies, and this year’s edition…

The chancellor has promised rate relief to London businesses – but the north will foot the bill

In his Budget last month, Chancellor Phillip Hammond set out the final parts of his relief package to help firms facing…

Why don’t high exports always lead to economic success?

While trade and exports are usually talked about in the national context only, the reality is that the UK’s exports…