All articles by Patrick Sisson

Patrick Sisson

What is a 15-minute city?

This vision for sustainable cities imagines places where residents can truly live locally, with everything they need just a short walk or bike ride away.

Is it time for transportation planners to move beyond ‘level of service?

This car-centric assessment of roads and mass transit fails to consider the wide range of needs that people and cities have regarding transportation networks.

Why cities are embracing the call for car-free streets

A growing movement is taking aim at motor vehicles in the quest to solve traffic congestion, slash carbon emissions and create more-livable cities.

Cities have a parking problem. More parking is not the solution.

Most cities dedicate huge amounts of space to cars at rest. There’s a strong case for changing that.

How Paris plans to protect its residents from rising heat

Both the city and the greater metro region are taking a comprehensive approach, combining new parks and urban greenery initiatives with big investments in alternative transportation.

Los Angeles is in a race against heat, and low-income workers are losing

Entrenched geographic gaps in heat readiness and resilience across the sprawling metropolis are making notions of climate equity a far-off goal.

In climate-challenged Mumbai, development patterns are adding fuel to the fire

At a time when we recognise the city is getting hotter, it seems a little perverse to pave over some of the city’s last open spaces.