All articles by Charlie Lawrence Jones

Charlie Lawrence Jones

History lessons from London’s Brick Lane Mosque

The history of Brick Lane Mosque tells the narrative of the East End’s immigrant past.

Where did London’s parakeets come from?

The story of how parakeets ended up in London is a matter of some discussion and plenty of myth.

The hidden star of Luther, Paddington, and so much more: London

Having just finis­hed the latest season of Luther, I can’t help but feel that one of its stars didn’t get…

When holidaying goes very wrong: Paris, Jerusalem and Florence Syndromes

An important part of any holiday is immersing yourself in a new culture. Ideally, this should involve being swept up…

Germania: Hitler’s failed plan to tear down Berlin and build a Nazi Supercity

It’s fair to say that Berlin didn’t have a whole lot of respite in the 20th century. Before the Cold…

Eritrea’s Modernist architecture: a striking reminder of years of oppression

Those with an eye for architecture will notice something peculiar when visiting Eritrea’s capital, Asmara. Dotted around the city are…

“Mosquitoes” were designed to annoy all under 25-year-olds. It’s time to ban them

There’s a particular shopping area just off the Canterbury ring-road that I can’t help but associate with headaches. Attached to…

Help to Buy is finally being scrapped. Here’s why it was a terrible idea

Buried in last autumn’s budget announcement was the news the the government’s Help to Buy (HtB) scheme would finally wind…

The Canal & River Trust: the local council hiding in charity’s clothing

Earlier this year, a 67-year-old pensioner and his dog were made homeless after being turfed out of their houseboat on…

Why the government must start consulting locals before building

It should go without saying that any new infrastructure should have the largest impact on those living within its immediate…