All articles by katharine swindells

katharine swindells

The stark disparity across internet access in the US

Internet equity is a major issue of the post-pandemic world, and some US cities have significantly less affordable internet access than others.

How battleground cities in the US swing elections

Predictions suggest that the 2022 US midterms could come down to a few battleground states that could rely on voter turnouts in urban areas.

How rising energy bills are hitting people on prepayment meters

The number of people unable to afford to top up their prepayment meter has increased 15-fold since before the pandemic.

London fares worst in the UK’s rising mortgage rates

Mortgage rates are increasing nationwide after the now-reversed mini-budget, with the capital and south-east seeing the sharpest increases.

New census data shows how the pandemic affected the racial diversity of US cities

Newly released US census data shows the white population fell by around 900,000 as immigration fell to its lowest level in decades.

The most dangerous roads in the UK for cyclists and pedestrians revealed

There are thousands of collisions on British roads every year. New data from the Department for Transport data highlights where the most dangerous are.

More than 4,400 cyclists were killed or seriously injured on British roads last year

This was higher than the number in 2019, new statistics show.

A new era of harm reduction: Will the US finally embrace safe drug consumption sites?

Safe consumption sites are seeing fresh support in states across America, but what challenges do they face to go nationwide?

Young and low-income private renters have 20% less space than 20 years ago

Young and low-income private renters in particular have seen living space dwindle due to increasing occupancy and stagnant housing supply.

Why are so many ‘Homes for Ukraine’ refugees living in England’s small villages?

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the government’s unusual visa sponsorship scheme has seen Ukrainian refugees disproportionately moving to rural areas, creating communities and networks in England’s villages and small towns.