All articles by Joe Anderson

Joe Anderson

Joe Anderson: Why I resigned from the Northern Powerhouse Partnership

The Labour mayor of Liverpool has a few choice words for Chris Grayling. I resigned from the board of the…

Scrapping Building Schools for the Future hurt – but it forced Liverpool to rethink its finances

The Labour mayor of Liverpool on life after Building Schools for the Future. Eight years ago, I picked up the…

“Poverty” isn’t strong enough to describe the misery so many face. We’re back to destitution

The Labour mayor of Liverpool on the return of Victorian poverty. Destitution. Just think about that word. Over the past…

“Ministers are ignoring the people who’ll deal with the fallout from Brexit”: The case for a second referendum

We’ve come a long way from the days when Brexiteers promised a free trade utopia and an £350m a week…

The government must work with councils, to protect us from the harsh effect of Brexit

The Labour mayor of Liverpool on the government’s lack of planning for Brexit.  No one should be in any doubt…