All articles by Energy Monitor Staff

Energy Monitor Staff

Green recovery funds should be channelled straight to cities – report

Supporting cities to take the lead on climate action could help G7 governments deliver a quick and efficient green recovery, but they must offer cities direct funding, say BloombergNEF and C40 Cities

Using private finance to scale-up EV charging infrastructure

Public finance will be insufficient to meet the growing investment gap for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure worldwide. Luckily, EV chargers are an easy fit for private finance, says Siemens Financial Services.

The building blocks of net-zero homes

Made from repurposed construction waste, a new brick developed by researchers at a Scottish university promises to slash carbon emissions while protecting the UK from future supply chain disruption.

How British universities are advancing the energy transition

Universities are major institutions that have a key role to play in the energy transition to net zero, both via their own decarbonisation and as “living laboratories” to advance clean technologies.

Electrifying Australian households will save billions

With government investment and streamlined planning, widespread electrification of Australian households can save energy and cut costs, shows analysis from not-for-profit Rewiring Australia.

Carmakers pushing SUVs are slowing Canadian EV transition

Policymakers should introduce taxes on SUVs following a rise in sales over the past decade to boost the move to electric vehicles, says Canadian not-for-profit Environmental Defence.

Significant municipal energy savings possible through smart street lighting

Global electricity consumption from street lighting could be slashed with smart cameras and sensors turned on, reducing emissions and advancing the energy transition, says the International Energy Agency.

Most EU countries are failing to meet low-carbon building standards

A majority of European countries have failed to comply with the latest nearly zero-energy buildings standards, which must be revised to make them more harmonised, says the Buildings Performance Institute Europe, a think tank.

Early engagement of local communities is crucial for developing renewables

A joint paper by the World Resources Institute and Ørsted lays out recommendations for how governments can improve public support for the energy transition, highlighting the importance of community engagement.

Smaller cities need to adopt clean energy plans that suit their needs – report

A report from the International Renewable Energy Agency reveals the importance of a nuanced approach to the energy transition and openness to best practice across municipalities.