All articles by Drew Reed

Drew Reed

Rio’s Olympics of urban planning disasters: Which one will win the gold?

The long-awaited 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympics are finally here — long-awaited, of course, because it’s been painfully clear for…

The Expo Line, and five other reasons Los Angeles may finally shed its car-centric reputation

Los Angeles, a city not particularly known for its mass transit, has been surprisingly active this year in opening new…

The celebrity chef trying to fix Los Angeles’ food desert problem

Wilmington and 103rd Street, Watts: if there were a list of intersections in Los Angeles where you’re least likely to…

Can this board game solve San Francisco’s housing crisis?

Monopoly is one of the best-known board games of all time. It pits players against each other with the goal…

Flint, Michigan, accidentally poisoned its water supply. Its story holds lessons for other cities

Flint, Michigan, has always projected a distinctly gritty and often grim image to the rest of the United States. It’s…

Are road diets the next big thing for US cities?

Like so many new concepts in urban planning, road diets seem like a great idea at first. And, like so…

Santiago’s new skyscraper, the tallest in Latin America, is an engineering marvel. It’s standing almost empty

The skyline of Santiago, the capital of Chile, has always been at a disadvantage: unlike cities such as London, New…

How #10PeopleOnTwitter took on Boston’s Olympic bid and won: Endgame

Drew Reed is CityMetric’s occasional western hemisphere correspondent. In this three-part series, he takes an in-depth look at Boston’s failed…

How #10PeopleOnTwitter took on Boston’s Olympic bid and won: The winter of discontent

Drew Reed is CityMetric’s occasional western hemisphere correspondent. In this three-part series, he takes an in-depth look at Boston’s failed…

How #10PeopleOnTwitter took on Boston’s Olympic bid and won: The games begin

Drew Reed is CityMetric’s occasional western hemisphere correspondent. In this three-part series, he takes an in-depth look at Boston’s failed…