All articles by Diarmaid Ward

Diarmaid Ward

When will the Tories accept that, to end homelessness, you need homes?

A Labour councillor writes… When it comes to housing, the Conservatives’ 2019 manifesto is scant on detail. But buried deep…

Jane Jacobs and Le Corbusier would agree on one thing: we need more social housing

Much has been written in CityMetric and beyond about the urban planning debates of the 1950s and ‘60s, that came…

Letting councils borrow is a start. But what else needs to happen to tackle the housing crisis?

A Labour councillor from the London Borough of Islington on the government’s new housing policy. I never miss an opportunity to tell…

With its social housing green paper, the government has missed an opportunity to tackle the housing crisis – again

A Labour London councillor on today’s green paper. London faces a housing crisis: it’s one of the most obvious statements…

Developers can no longer over-pay for land to wriggle out of their affordable housing commitments

The Labour Councillor and executive member for housing & development at the London Borough of Islington, on a landmark planning…

Ten myths about council housing – and one ask

Everyone seems to agree that we have a housing crisis in London and that we need to increase the supply of genuinely affordable homes.