All articles by David Adler

David Adler

Enough squabbling over supply versus demand. Let’s build the social housing that Britain needs

In the long fight to fix the housing market, it’s Supply versus Demand. Each time a think tank or a…

“Homeownership has collapsed. Good riddance”

It’s official: Britain will soon be a nation of renters. Last week, the Institute for Fiscal Studies published new research…

A growing number of voters will never own their own home. Why is the government ignoring them?

The dream of a property-owning democracy continues to define British housing policy. From Right-to-Buy to Help-to-Buy, policies are framed around…

The other Waitrose effect: how gentrification is linked to rising evictions

The Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea has become the fishbowl of British inequality. On one side stands the skeleton…