All articles by Darren Baxter

Darren Baxter

The end of no fault evictions is a start – but the government still needs to tackle rental costs

It is absolutely right that people have a secure and stable home, to provide and anchor and a firm foundation…

Britain’s private rental sector needs radical reform – and the first party to offer it will reap electoral rewards

For many, home ownership remains out of reach. The millennial generation (those born between 1981 and 2000) are four times…

The public supports stronger tenant rights. The government needs to act

More than half of the population (53 per cent) do not think that renting privately works fairly for tenants, according…

Theresa May's promise to let councils build is a big step forward for housing policy. But more action is still needed

Theresa May’s recent conference speech shows how housing continues to rise up the political agenda: the Prime Minister said that,…

The number being helped by Help to Buy is at a record high. That’s not a good thing

James Brokenshire the secretary of state for the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) has been having a…