All articles by Afiq Fitri

Afiq Fitri

Is this the year UK tech start-ups bounce back?

Thousands of newly laid-off tech workers and optimistic VC firms might revive the sector. But significant hurdles lie ahead.

The UK enjoys the most internet freedoms. But for how long?

According to a new survey, the UK tops global rankings for internet freedom. New laws surrounding online speech might change that.

Which country in Europe runs the best eHealth services?

Access to digital public services in Europe has improved, but yawning gaps between nations in providing digital healthcare persist.

What exactly is e-waste?

The volume of discarded electronic equipment is increasing. How can governments and businesses ensure it is recycled effectively?

Is the UK’s tech start-up boom about to end?

Investment in UK tech start-ups has boomed since the start of the pandemic, but the glory days may have peaked.

Flexible working boom in ‘Red Wall’ towns could aid the levelling up agenda

A boom in hybrid and remote working could aid the government’s plan to redistribute job opportunities, new research shows.

The UK has spent up to £1bn on drones to prevent migrant crossings

Critics say using maritime surveillance drones to spot migrants in the English Channel will not deter human trafficking.