Last night, as you’ll probably know by now, Leicester City FC became champions of the Premier League.

It is, by all accounts, the most remarkable story to come out of the world of football in years. Just seven years ago, Leicester were in the third division of the English football system (which, for reasons not entirely clear to CityMetric, is called League One). Now they’re the best team in the country – and without the help of a helpful oligarch willing to blow millions on new players.

Anyway, Zac Goldsmith – the Tory candidate for mayor of London, who polls show trailing his Labour rival Sadiq Khan by as much as 20 points – decided he fancied a bit of this underdog glory.


Presenter Nick Ferrari was a bit cynical about this.


But not half as cynical as the internet.


Some questioned whether someone of Goldsmith’s background could ever really be counted an underdog.


Others pointed out that he’d totally misunderstood what actually happened to Leicester this season.


Which implies he doesn’t know any more about football than he does about, say, the Central line.


Or Bollywood.


Though that interview did, at least, inspire this joke


Others pointed out that “doing a Leicester City” could mean more than one thing.


We’re supposed to write about cities round here, so:

At the time of the 2011 census, the area covered by Leicester City council had a population of around 330,000, while that of the wider urban area had 509,000. It’s the 13th biggest agglomeration in Britain, and something like the 942nd largest in the world.

It’s also one of the most diverse cities in Britain, and at the time of that census, less than 51 per cent of its population was classified as white.

So, now you know.

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