So, today the internet has discovered that you can search for things and people on Google Maps, and Google will respond with a range of creepily accurate, obvious, or inexplicable suggestions. We didn’t have any real work to do today, so we decided to do this instead.

For Boris Johnson, the search engine throws up the Southbank’s skatepark, which Johnson campaigned on behalf of; Heathrow Airport, which he campaigned against; and the Tower of London, which, erm, pass.

“Beheadings”, incidentally, also brings up the Tower:

Google knows where politics lives, and also, that David Cameron really cares about what’s happening in the Middle East.

Google has noticed that Ivan Massow is running for mayor. 

Google is busy trolling Peter Hendy, the man who runs Transport for London.

Google can easily identify the source of many social problems.

Google has taken note of Chinese tourists’ disparaging nickname for Big Ben: 

Google gave the same treatment to the poor old London Eye:

Buckingham Palace has great SEO.

So does the Shard.

But the Soho Theatre might need to work on its branding a bit.

We can’t account for this one at all:

Anyway, we’re done.