I’m not in the office right now: I’m in the US on a sort of busman’s holiday, because a presidential election is basically my Christmas, and I’ve been on a road trip around the US watching the democracy happen. (You’ll find some links to the pieces I’ve written for the New Statesman website about my travels below.)

But we’re due a podcast and while we’ve got a whole load of exciting stuff in the pipeline we’ve not had a chance to make any of it good and shiny yet. So, as a placeholder, here’s a quick ten minutes in which I things I’ve seen and learnt.

Inside you can hear me talk about having tea and cake with the Trump campaign in Scranton, Pennsylvania; why the Midwest is like the north of England, and the Republican electorate is the Leave campaign; and why Detroit is beautiful.

You can also hear the extreme tolerance in Stephanie’s voice when I say, “Can we talk about motorways please?”

Some links:

The episode itself is below. You can subscribe to the podcast on AcastiTunes, or RSS.

We’ll be back next week with the next full edition of the podcast. Enjoy.