I was walking across the City of London this morning, as I often do when I’m in one part of the City of London and want to get to another part of the City of London. And in an attempt to mix it up a bit, I decided to take the back streets.
I headed west down Throgmorton Street, continued as it turned into Lothbury and then Gresham Street, and turned left onto King Street. Before I got to Cheapside I decided to take a right down Trump Street, which I’d first noticed on 20 January – Inauguration Day – a day when, even by the horrific standards of 2017, Donald Trump was inescapable and I seemed to be seeing his name everywhere like the end of that episode of Doctor Who*.
Click to expand. Image: Google Maps.
Anyway, I got to the end of Trump Street, spotted a street sign, and stopped dead. Because halfway along, the street’s name had changed and I hadn’t noticed.
And the name it had changed to is this:
Click to expand. Image: Google Maps.
There is a street in the City of London that starts as Trump Streeet and ends as Russia Row. Look, you can see both signs together:
Click to expand.
This could only be more perfect if both streets lay in the shadow of Putin House or something, but really it’s just some offices and a gym.
Mind you:
Image: Getty.
EDIT TO ADD: A number of people on Twitter have pointed out that, in fact, Russia Row is one way – so it’s more accurate to say that Russia Row leads to Trump Street.
Which leads to King Street.
Not that we want to worry anyone.
Trump Street, incidentally, may have been named for a cluster of local trumpet makers. The origin of the name Russia Row seems to have been lost in the mists of time.
If you spot any other satirical jokes or weird prophetic coincidences in an A to Z somewhere, please do write in.
Jonn Elledge is the editor of CityMetric. He is on Twitter as @jonnelledge and also has a Facebook page now for some reason.
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*Turn Left. When it says “Bad Wolf” everywhere. Obviously I know what it’s called, I’m me, I just didn’t want to break the flow.