Every week, I write a story based on the Centre for Cities’ extensive store of data about Britain’s cities. And more often than not – not quite every week, but perhaps three weeks in five – I find myself writing about the same pattern.

This is one of those patterns that becomes increasingly obvious, and increasingly anger-making, the more you have to look at it. So here, for your entertainment and incipient rage, are 14 maps and charts showing that England is basically split down the middle. (Click if you want to expand them.)

1. The fastest growing cities are all in the south, the shrinking ones are all in the north

2. That’s probably because the most productive cities are all in the south

3. And wages are generally higher in the south

4. Which might be because employment rates are lower in the north

5. So unemployment benefit claims are higher in the north

6. No, they really are

7. The youth claimant count is higher in northern cities, too

8. Northern cities are more dependent on manufacturing

9. But the high productivity knowledge businesses are found in the south

10. More patents are granted in the south, too

11. Maybe it’s because the broadband speeds are better

12. Seriously, look at this

13. The dominance of London means more people use public transport in the south, too

14. And more people cycle

Never mind, eh? I’m sure the Northern Powerhouse will solve everything.

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