What you were doing on 15 January? Were you striding angrily around your neighbourhood, tweeting pictures of broken bits of tarmac?

If not, then shame on you – for 15 January was a day that you will one day tell your grandchildren about, a day that will live forever in the annals of world history. The 15 January 2015 was the first ever UK National Pothole Day. 

This very special day was organised by Street Repairs, a campaign group which also runs an app and pothole mapping site, and was all about encouraging Brits to name and shame pockmarked roads on social media. To the group’s surprise, the campaign prompted inquiries from people in other countries, desperate to get in on the anti-pothole action. 

So, in response, Street Repairs has launched World Pothole Day, to be held for the first time this year on 25 March. This time the campaign will ask social media users all over the world to take photos of potholes and tweet them with the hashtag #WorldPotholeDay, tagging the council or local government official responsible for fixing them. 

Street Repairs’s pothole map and app reporting service, shown below, are currently available in the UK only. On the campaign’s website, however, there’s a wistful hint that they’d quite like to expand abroad (emphasis ours): 

Will you join us through social media and show the powers in charge of your road network how easy it could be to report potholes and road defects with Street Repairs.

Image: Street Repairs. 

Nonetheless, we’re sure that the team at Street Repairs are running the campaign purely out of the goodness of their hearts.