Over Christmas, we’re rounding up the best of our work from 2015 so that you have something to read when you get sick of the Brussels sprouts. Today, it’s – let’s not pretend you didn’t see this coming – our favourite maps.
- This map shows at a glance where Europe’s richest cities are.
- While this one show’s how the continent’s population has shifted since the year 2000.
- And this is why you can still see the Berlin Wall from space, even though it came down 25 years ago.
- This is why maps sometimes lie to you on purpose.
Image: Google/CityMetric.
- One Friday afternoon we just thought screw it, and dropped a superimposed a map of Paris on one of London, to see how the two compared.
- It went so well that the next week we did Manhattan, too.
- There was that time we found a Google-style map of the Roman Empire to play with.
- Then there was the True Size Map, which lets you move countries around to show you how big they really are.
Image: TfL.
- Transport for London used to produce a geographically accurate tube & rail map. Cool.
- Though we still prefer this designer’s new take on the diagrammatic version.
And we’d argue you should scrap the tube map altogether.
- Meanwhile, one man is on a mission to put New York’s secret subway back on the map.
- Lastly, a game: can you identify these cities from space?
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