The number of confirmed Covid-19 cases is falling in major cities across the world, with countries in Europe registering the biggest changes in daily new cases.

Our tracker – which shows new daily cases by region in the countries with the most Covid-19 deaths – shows generally stable decreases over the past week. In the UK, the number of new cases has dropped by more than half compared to the previous week except in Scotland, where things haven’t changed significantly. Italy and Spain have been registering a generally stable fall in the number of cases for nearly a month.

The US is still behind the “curve” compared to Europe, but the number of new cases has been dropping over the past week, especially in New York.


Monitoring the cities at the heart of the Covid-19 outbreak


Cities – with their high population density, young and mobile demographics, and developed public transport systems – are particularly susceptible to rapidly-spreading viral outbreak. Here we drill down into subnational Covid-19 figures to show which areas are seeing disproportionate numbers of Covid-19 cases.

While different countries count at different administrative levels, the pattern is clear: London and Madrid are “regions” in their own right, while New York State includes New York City and Lombardy covers Milan. This chart is currently being updated weekly with the latest figures – although some countries have a slight delay in publishing the very latest case numbers by region or state.

Covid-19 regional comparison chart