An update from GlobalData Director of Epidemiology Kasey Fu:

Currently, there are over 3,600,106 confirmed cases of Covid-19 reported in 189 countries. About 60% of the total confirmed cases globally were reported by the US, the UK, Germany, Spain, France and Italy. A total of 1,173,147 cases had recovered and 251,898 cases had died of Covid-19.

The reduction of COVID-19 cases in European countries continues. For the UK, after the last week’s rise, there has been a significant reduction in the number of daily confirmed cases and deaths.

Brazil, Russia and Mexico appear to not have reached their transmission peaks. Yesterday, India reported 3,932 new confirmed cases and 175 new deaths, which indicates a sharp rise in Covid-19 cases. At the same time, India reached a new peak of 1,072 recovered. India has a large population living in dense urban areas, which makes it difficult to control the pandemic. There are concerns about how the Indian government is managing the pandemic response. 

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