An update from GlobalData Epidemiologist Bahram Hassanpourfard:

The total confirmed cases of Covid-19 are 3,682,968 in the world while the case fatality rate stays at 7%, with the total deaths of 257,906. (Case fatality rate is defined as the proportion of confirmed Covid-19 cases that resulted in deaths.) The positive trend of daily recovered cases has stopped since 1 May. However, this reduction has not changed the total recovered rate significantly. The fall of daily confirmed cases continues in the US and Europe.

Among the top 10 most affected countries, the Covid-19 case fatality rate varies greatly. The UK has the highest rate at 15%. Russia has the lowest rate at around 1%. The case fatality rate in Russia may increase soon following the recent rise in confirmed cases. Russia, similar to Germany, has one of the highest number of hospital beds and nurses in the world, which indicates the ability of the country to control the pandemic. However, death reporting is not uniform across countries, and reporting accuracy also varies, therefore, reported deaths data may not accurately reflect the true burden of the outbreak.