An update from GlobalData Managing Epidemiologist Natasha Karim:

Globally, the total confirmed cases of Covid-19 have reached over 4,278,000, with over 292,000 deaths and 1,502,000 recoveries.

As nations continue to gradually lift lockdown measures, new clusters emerge in regions once commended for their mitigation efforts, including South Korea, Singapore, and Wuhan, China. In South Korea, more than 100 new cases were reported over the weekend in a popular Seoul nightlife district; in Wuhan, six new cases were confirmed over the weekend after more than a month, prompting the city to order testing for all residents; and in Singapore, more than 23,000 cases were linked to migrant worker dormitories at the end of April.

Brazil continues to experience a surge in confirmed cases; with 178,214 cases, the country surpassed Germany’s 173,289 cases, and draws closer to the 178,349 cases in France. Additionally, Brazil records its highest death toll to date with 881 confirmed deaths.