An update from GlobalData Managing Epidemiologist Natasha Karim:

Globally, the total confirmed cases of Covid-19 have reached over 4,364,000, with over 297,000 deaths and 1,560,000 recoveries.

In Latin America, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, and Chile will be countries to watch as each continues to experience a record number of daily cases or deaths. To date, the daily mortality reached all-time highs in Brazil, Mexico, and Peru. Additionally, Brazil set a record high with 11,385 new daily cases, and surpassing France’s total cases. In Chile, a significant spike of more than 60% increase in daily new cases triggered a total lockdown of the nation’s capital.

In China, Wuhan launched its mass testing drive in response to a resurgence of cases observed over the weekend. While some residents are supportive of this initiative, others are concerned over further spreading the infection while waiting in long lines.